I used to be able to stay up late. Burn the midnight oil. I could party with the best of them. (Some people pride themselves on facts of that nature.) Well, after figuring out yesterday about 6pm that I had the flu, it made me think about the night ahead. Corbin, undoubtedly, brought it home from another kid in his class, who's parent did not care to send them to school sick. (To that parent, thank you, by the way. I hate you and I don't even know you.)
So the best part? Corbin is cured. I spent $130 on daycare this week and he went Tuesday and Wednesday. I could have spent that money on shoes or bills or even thrown it out the window and gotten more use out of it...I could have even giving it to his doctor's office and felt like I got more use out of it. Not only was he sick all week, but he would wake up after being sick in his bed. We would clean him and change him and settle him down. Then we would go to work or stay home and make sense of a house filled with chaos due to sickness.

Now, Jimmy and I are both sick. I have washed all of Corbin's sheets, twice. Nothing like waking up to "Mommy! My bed is wet!"And I want nothing more than to curl up in my bed and sleep this off, but I am playing trucks. And watching movies. And making peanut butter crackers. Sad part is, Corbin doesn't have a clue we both feel yucky. Bless his heart because he has no idea. I love him for that. But I also wish he just wanted to relax and go to sleep early. Is that too much to ask?
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