Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I'm back...!(Maybe. For real.)

Well, well, well. October 10, 2012 - I'm off work. Corbin went to the doctor - 38" tall, 33 lbs. He's almost 3 1/2...what?! I can remember taking him there, 3 days old. Time flies.

So I just deleted my last post that said I would start posting more. Ha. Who was I kidding. I am not sure if I have any "followers" or not, (I know it's not impressive) but I am making myself a promise to blog more. I am becoming addicted to Pinterest more and more everyday, and am actually making things and trying recipes. I figure I can post that stuff here and send it into the world. Maybe I'll add some whit and charm too. Cheers!

And PS - Go Gators!! I am so glad you pulled it together to beat LSU! #huge
PPS - some recent photos below.
And lastly - I will be posting more today. I'm half way through this knife block project I pinned this morning. Wait until it's done. Suckas.

at the Naples Zoo 9.30.12
Happy Saturday! 10.6.12

at Elmo Live
our typical family picture...

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